Is a thank you enough?
The fact is that our truck drivers do a great job. In spite of Corona, they keep the goods and merchandise traffic running to guarantee an almost "normal" supply. This brings the drivers a lot of praise and thanks, but they are not really rewarded. Because the truck drivers are also required to take high hygienic measures, but they can only fulfill them to a limited extent.
Fear of Corona?
For example, the fear of getting infected with Corona often means that drivers are not allowed to get out of the truck at some ramps or even wash their hands. Along the highway or major highways, a growing number of drivers still lack the necessary toilets or showers or even a place to rest and rest. The highlights are the rest stops that close their doors for whatever reason and then close everything. This includes access to toilets and showers.

What do initiatives bring?
Thanks to Corona, the drivers were able to hope for help in this problem area at an early stage, which few would have expected. And that was the help of the Federal Ministry of Transport. Minister Andy Scheuer specifically called the initiative #Logistik-Hilft. And is supported by well-known associations. The initiative aims to uncover deficits and remedy them unbureaucratically. One of the ideas is that companies that normally supply public festivals, trade fairs, concerts or construction sites with sanitary facilities should now set up their containers where the conditions for proper hygiene do not really work. This does not sound so properly organized. But where a will, ....
The SaniStop campaign
The association "DocStop für Europäer e.V." is very active in the field of hygiene for truck drivers. which is known more for its activities to improve medical care for all bus and professional drivers on trans-European traffic routes. DocStop has launched the SaniStop campaign to give truck drivers access to clean toilets and showers, especially in times of Corona. Forwarding agencies, shippers and other companies are providing truck parking spaces with access to toilets and showers - so that drivers on the road do not have to do without everyday conveniences. A list of SaniStop locations with WC + shower for download can be found here.
Hygiene protects
It is still true to say that the best protection against infections like Corona is "very good hygiene". This includes a well thought-out hygiene concept, keeping your distance and the indispensable mouth-nose protection we have already written. Of course also about multiple hand washing or coughing into the crook of your arm. By the way, one should not believe the many strange, mostly crazy theories about the corona virus and the purpose of a mask. An aluminum hat, which supposedly protects, is not very trustworthy and will certainly not "dissipate" the aerosols!
Stay healthy!