People know each other
Since you usually spend more time at work than at home, it can be quite easy for colleagues at work to know almost as much as your own family. And the feeling is mutual. Because you also observe other colleagues in this way yourself.
Success factor number one
A good working atmosphere has an extraordinary influence on the success of a company. Because where people feel comfortable, the fewest mistakes are usually made. People can concentrate better and are not distracted by other stress factors, such as colleagues who constantly interrupt with questions or the dispatcher with his "thousand" forms.
Acting together
Of course, even with the best working atmosphere, mistakes are made. And for sure, there are also colleagues there who are not so dear to one's heart. But in companies with a good working atmosphere, people generally deal openly with conflicts and mistakes. This applies to the boss as well as to all employees. It goes without saying that this also helps employees to "identify" with the company and makes them proud.

Helps health, too
A good working atmosphere also helps health. Where you can work in a relaxed atmosphere, with colleagues who stand by your side, where rules and values are observed, and where there is a great sense of togetherness, there is much less anger. Blood pressure levels "stay" at a low level and the heartbeat remains "calm". Less stress means healthier work.
Celebrate really great
Where a good working atmosphere ensures success, the next company party is not far away. Because that strengthens the feeling of togetherness. Of course, it's also possible on a smaller scale. For example, a barbecue evening or a soccer match. Whenever colleagues meet and organize something together, they get to know each other better and their understanding of each other grows.
Improving and developing
Outside the company
When colleagues become friends, this can also be attributed to a good working atmosphere. Many fall in love, get engaged or marry a partner from the same company. Having a beer together in the evening or going bowling with colleagues on the weekend also helps to show team spirit and cohesion outside the company.
Show appreciation
Last but not least, you should always remember that not only yourself, but also your colleagues expect you to be a "nice" person at work. For example, by being attentive, helpful and understanding towards other colleagues. This may take a while, but it is worth it.