2 - 3 litres per day
Every person is dependent on a regular supply of fluids. This is especially true for people, such as our truck drivers, who have to concentrate hard at work. A person needs about 30 to 40 milliliters of water per kilogram of body weight - that makes about 2 to 3 liters a day. Drinking plenty of water is good for body and soul.
Water march
Clear answer as to what works best against thirst: clear water, whether from the tap or the mineral water bottle. Drinking water from the tap is the most important, legally monitored foodstuff of all. And the quality of tap water in Germany is very high. Nevertheless, there are a few things to consider: Water that was in the pipes is no longer fresh. Long periods of time in the pipe favour possible germination and the transfer of substances from the fittings. Water for drinking or cooking should therefore always be left running until it comes out of the tap in a cool place.
Easy on the wallet
Really fresh tap water, by the way, is the undisputed number one according to a study by Stiftung Warentest. Water from the tap is also cheaper in terms of cost. If you pay an average of 0.165 cents for a litre of tap water, the cheapest mineral water costs around 13 cents. The range for a "noble water" reaches up to 100 euros.

Good to go: bottled mineral water
Mineral water is also constantly monitored and must meet certain legal requirements. As with tap water, the taste varies greatly depending on the place of origin and the content of minerals and other substances. This also applies to the quality par excellence, even if it is within the scope of the regulations. Nevertheless, the mineral water bottle remains the best solution for the truck driver. After all, who has a water tap in the truck. However, it should be considered whether it would be better to use a glass bottle instead of the plastic bottle, which is controversial for environmental reasons.
Real calorie bombs
Although very popular, drinks such as Cola, Fanta or energy drinks are not only real calorie bombs but also not real thirst quenchers due to their high sugar content. A glass of Cola of 0.2 litres contains about 8 to 9 pieces of sugar cubes. The same applies to lemonades or iced tea. If caffeine is also added, as is the case with almost all energy drinks and cola drinks, the body is more likely to be dehydrated rather than supplied with liquid. So it is better to take the right thirst quencher immediately.
Tea as a thirst quencher
A sip of tea from the cooled thermos can wake up tired spirits, is healthy and quenches thirst. There are countless flavours, so that no boredom can arise. For example with a tea made from fresh mint. This is recommended because peppermint cools the body from the inside. Mate tea is also very popular. Black or green teas are less suitable as thirst quenchers because of their higher caffeine content.
Alcoholic beverages
Anyone who is on the road has a special responsibility to other people. So even if a cool, freshly tapped glass of beer beckons in the heat - keep your hands off the wheel. It is important to know that alcoholic beverages such as beer, wine or schnapps dehydrate the body through the alcohol they contain and remove important electrolytes. They are not suitable as thirst quenchers.
Pay attention to the right temperature.
An ice-cold drink at high temperatures is certainly the non-plus-ultra for many. But be careful: Make sure not to drink drinks that are too cold. Ice-cold drinks only quench thirst for a short time and can cause stomach problems. As a rule of thumb, drinks should be neither too hot nor too cold. Have a good trip!