Perfect Relationship: Together We Achieve More!

We are a Team!

Good morale in a company speaks for economic success. In the production halls, there is diligent work going on, and the mood among the employees and workers is good. Naturally, the boss is also satisfied because the "shop is running smoothly." Managers who treat their employees fairly and involve them in decisions even in challenging environments significantly contribute to a positive working atmosphere.

Work that Convinces

Many market-leading ideas, products, or services are not only successful because they offer a unique benefit or are distinctive in their application. Without the dedication of their inventors or builders, their colleagues, or their teams, many products would end up in a drawer or be only minimally successful. In many cases, the driving force behind success is a workforce convinced by the product. In 1969, a patent laid the foundation for the production of Edscha TS sliding tarpaulin roofs, making "Edscha" synonymous with this innovation. This innovation led to Edscha TS’s leading position in the tarpaulin roof system sector.

Team Building

The Edscha TS example shows that truly successful companies largely thrive on the cohesion of the people working there. This applies to product development, manufacturing, sales, and other services. Naturally, there is also a struggle for success. For comparison: even in the best relationships and partnerships, disputes and intense discussions are constructive measures for successful coexistence. Disputes, not in the sense of confrontation, but more in the sense of fair, objective debate. This reduces friction points. People know each other, understand how to communicate with others, and learn to better assess their counterparts. Crises or disputes are thus defused early.

Positive Energy and Communication

Open and transparent communication between employees and managers fosters trust and the flow of information within the company. Problems are quickly identified and solved, and ideas are developed more rapidly. Communication encompasses both professional matters and personal interactions, which strengthens relationships and spreads positive energy.

Team Work

Respect and Appreciation

Every employee should be respected and appreciated for their work. This strengthens self-esteem and motivation. When everyone respects and makes each other feel good, it leads to strong cohesion, and no one feels sidelined. People are "humans and colleagues."

Working Conditions and Work-Life Balance

Appropriate working conditions, such as ergonomic workplaces and regulated working hours, are essential for employees' well-being. A good work-life balance ensures that employees remain motivated and productive, positively impacting customer satisfaction.

Training and Development

Opportunities for professional development and regular training motivate employees and show that the company invests in their future. This promotes not only personal development but also the company's innovative strength. Competencies are enhanced, and weaknesses are balanced.

Social Activities

Joint celebrations can significantly strengthen cohesion within a company. This includes more than just the annual Christmas party. In German companies, you will find a range of community activities from bowling clubs to football teams and other activities like building computers or cooking. In these "company clubs," business is not entirely forgotten. Helpful tips from colleagues have often solved various problems. Celebrating successes is also important for every employee to recognize their own performance and that of the group.

Success through Passion

A good foundation for success in a team or department is certainly passion. Passion for the joint work or enthusiasm for a specific product development. You can feel how the jointly supported project bonds the group together and fosters growth.

Corporate Culture: Values and Goals

A good working atmosphere is created by many factors: communication, respect, working conditions, training, and social activities. These aspects together promote a harmonious and productive work environment where employees feel comfortable and can give their best. A strong corporate culture, characterized by shared values and goals, strengthens the sense of unity and ensures that people can rely on each other.

Together We Are Strong

We at Edscha TS are proud of all our employees and our shared success. A positive working atmosphere and the satisfaction of our employees significantly contribute to customer satisfaction and our economic success. Together we achieve more!


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