For bulk goods or general cargo

Tailor-made transport solution

In the logistics sector, where the fast and safe delivery of goods is paramount, the right means of transportation and equipment play a decisive role. With its innovative roof systems, Edscha Trailer Systems offers tailor-made solutions for the transportation of general cargo and bulk goods. These systems are not only designed to ensure the efficiency and safety of the load, but also support the seamless transition between different modes of transportation, especially from truck to rail.

General cargo transportation: CurtainSider, full tarpaulins and push bars

Edscha TS presents a variety of cover systems for general cargo transportation, including the CurtainSider and the full tarpaulin system. The CurtainSider is characterized by its speed, as it can be opened quickly for efficient side and top loading, which considerably simplifies the handling of palletized goods or goods in crates in particular. With the full tarpaulin system, the design with removable drop sides enables the rail elements to be completely dismantled, which increases access to the load and allows loading and unloading for a wide variety of loads. This flexibility often leads to significant time and cost savings. In addition to these systems, Edscha TS also offers the sliding bar system, which allows the complete top to be opened and moved forwards and backwards in seconds, ensuring adaptability to different very bulky load types and transportation requirements.

Bulk goods transportation: TipperRoof and OpenBox

The TipperRoof and OpenBox fixed-wall covers are used for transporting bulk goods. These are specially designed to meet the requirements of bulk goods transportation. The TipperRoof system is particularly suitable for tiltable loading areas, while the OpenBox system with its “floating rail” is an innovation that makes the covered transportation of bulk goods more efficient and safer with different types of bodywork.

General cargo transportation

Support for intermodal transport

Edscha TS has developed special roof assemblies that support intermodal transport - switching between truck and rail. This flexibility is a decisive advantage in the logistics chain, as it enables efficient use of the various transport routes and thus saves time and costs. The seamless transition between road and rail, made possible by the special covering systems, strengthens the role of rail transport in freight transportation and contributes to more sustainable logistics. Special requirements of the relevant standards and operators, such as the German Federal Railways, must be observed here.

Innovation and advice

Edscha TS demonstrates its commitment to innovation and quality by using high-quality metal-plastic connections in its products. Individual advice ensures that customers find the right top system for their specific needs. Whether transporting palletized unit loads in CurtainSiders or bulk goods in OpenBox systems, Edscha TS works closely with its customers to provide optimal solutions.

The transportation industry faces many challenges, from cargo safety to transport efficiency and sustainability. Edscha Trailer Systems meets these challenges with innovative roofing systems that not only increase the safety and efficiency of transporting general and bulk cargo, but also provide flexibility by supporting intermodal transportation. Through the combination of high-quality materials, individual advice and technical innovation, Edscha TS is at the forefront of developing efficient transportation solutions for the logistics industry.


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